Every summer, Tri Delta welcomes a dynamic team of housing interns for an unforgettable experience. In this exciting and rewarding role, interns travel to various Tri Delta properties, getting hands-on experience with on-site installations and improvements. They collaborate closely with our Tri Delta Housing staff and interior designer, playing a key role in creating beautiful and functional living spaces. It’s a unique opportunity to dive into project management, teamwork and interior design, all while making a tangible impact.
Meet our summer 2024 interns and read about how they are reflecting on their exciting summer with Tri Delta Housing!
Audrey Stone, Arkansas

What is your most memorable experience?
My favorite part was getting to experience and watch the new Kansas house being built from the ground up. When I was on site, I noticed the house being pieced together bit by bit, every day looking different than the one before, which was incredible to witness. I also loved Lawrence, KS, learning about Theta Omega and KU traditions. I would love to come back even after my internship is over!
Blayre Brent, Baylor

Why did you to want to apply for this position?
There are many reasons why I decided to pursue Tri Delta’s Housing internship, including working with Tri Delta’s Executive Office, meeting women from other chapters of Tri Delta, and, of course, the travel opportunities. The biggest draw, however, was the opportunity to go beyond my chapter to learn from and give back to Tri Delta. While I have had various amazing experiences allowing me to work and serve within my chapter, being a housing intern has allowed me to be even more involved in Tri Delta and learn more about how Tri Delta works for all its members behind the scenes!
Isabelle Labram, Kansas

How did you grow and how will you use this experience?
This internship has helped me grow my interior design and architecture skills. Though there hasn’t been a ton of architecture, I have been able to view real-world floor plans, as well as view the Theta Omega house in its many construction stages. I had the chance to witness and learn from an interior designer and how he makes decisions for each of the spaces he completes. I have also learned how to work with a team in real-world situations, both face-to-face and on the admin side. Moving forward, I can use this experience and the many things I’ve learned both in my academic career, with the design aspects, and my Tri Delta career!
Lydia Stone, Arkansas

How has this internship brought you closer to Tri Delta?
This internship made me fall in love with Tri Delta even more than I have been for the last three years. When I was going through recruitment, an active member told me, “Tri Delta will pour into you tenfold what you pour into it”, and every day I find that that statement couldn’t be any more true. This summer was full of hard work, but it was incredibly rewarding. Whether it was being on-site at chapters and preparing to welcome a new group of girls to the house, working at Executive Office to ensure a smooth experience for House Director Conference, or even performing administrative tasks on the computer, it all contributed to a bigger picture in which I was able to see the love that the women in this chapter have for each other from active members all the way to alumna. Being able to see individual chapter houses full of knick-knacks and photographs really made me realize how important this organization truly is to thousands of women across the country. There is something so special about knowing that the organization that has loved me as I am for the last three years loves many other women just as hard. I am so thankful for Tri Delta, and this summer was a steadfast reminder of why. DLAM!
Become a housing intern
We’re looking for proactive, detail-oriented Tri Delta collegiate members who love to travel and are eager to learn and contribute to enhancing our homes for summer 2025! If you are someone you know is interested in becoming a housing intern, you can reach out to housing@trideltaeo.org for more information or look for our job posting.