The past few months have been bustling with activity for our alumnae chapters, and we are so proud of everything our sisters have accomplished! From Founders’ Day celebrations to impactful charity work—including incredible support for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital—our alumnae have been busy strengthening our sisterhood and making a difference.
Some chapters even enjoyed spending time with our Fraternity President, sharing their love for Tri Delta. We’re so excited to highlight these moments and show you just how active and inspiring our alumnae have been. Let’s dive into the stories and achievements from chapters across the country!
Want to find an alumnae chapter near you so you can join in on all the togetherness, sisterhood and fund? Click here.
On Tuesday evening, Dec. 3, 2024, the Marin County Alumnae Chapter held its 2024 Holiday Potluck. As part of this annual event, the group supported its local charity—the Center for Domestic Peace, a local agency helping battered women and families—with a blanket drive that generated over a dozen blankets for women in crisis.
The group delighted one another with wonderful dishes to share and a fun and festive gift
exchange. Following Founders’ Day, the women shared stories of how Tri Delta has impacted their lives and shared “something interesting about themselves that people wouldn’t know,” and the stories were spectacular. What an amazing group of women who form this small but special chapter.

Submitted by Alison Aplet Jones, California/Davis.
The Monterey Peninsula Alumnae Chapter gathered for lunch in early October at a local restaurant for a fall catch-up, sharing our summer experiences.

Pictured from the left: Shelley Schafer Loescher, Pacific; Toree Cardinali, Kentucky; Patricia Carpenter Munoz, Pacific; Shirley Mantelli Ladd, Oregon; Kathleen Williams Wiberg, Indiana; Debbie Drommerhausen Hutchings, Arizona State; Marilyn Evans Riehl, Utah; Marlene Rose Martin, Michigan.
Submitted by Debbie Drommerhausen Hutchings, Arizona State.
Daytona area alumnae members gathered to celebrate Founders’ Day at Halifax River Yacht Club. Of the 10 members present, seven have received their Golden Circle Degree: Deena Jones Adelson, Texas/Arlington; Nannine Knoerzer Dahlen, Colorado; Renee LeBlanc Garrison, Central Florida (at our recent Convention); Mary Jo Pabst Harrington, Jacksonville; Patti McWhorter Horton, Illinois State; Tinker Fox Slack, Kentucky; and Joyce Pozzuto Pepin, Maine. Three other members celebrated 40 years of membership—Darla Messick, Carnegie Mellon; Jennifer Nazak, William & Mary; and Marian Strong Tomblin, Brenau. Sisterhood has lifelong benefits, indeed.

Submitted by Renee LeBlanc Garrison, Central Florida.
Fraternity President Elizabeth Howard DiMartino, Boston, celebrated Founders’ Day with her Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter sisters. She is the first member of the Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter, which represents more than 25 different collegiate chapters, to hold this position. Tri Deltas from the Ft. Myers and Naples Alumnae Chapters also joined the luncheon, which featured a talk by Elizabeth about “Tri Delta Today.”

Pictured left to right: Susan Cleghorn, William & Mary; Elizabeth Howard DiMartino, Boston; Holly Proctor Messinger, Auburn; Retta Burling Meser, Wisconsin.
Submitted by Laurie Kohler Halladay, Missouri.

The Bloomington/Normal Alumnae Chapter had several members in attendance to celebrate Beta Omicron Chapter at Illinois State University. Beta Omicron, installed in 1974, marked its 50th anniversary with a weekend full of sisterhood and celebration on Oct. 4-5!
The festivities began on Friday with class reunions, offering attendees a chance to reconnect and reminisce. Saturday featured a special DHOP event, chapter and house tours and an evening filled with meaningful moments. The Golden Circle ceremony, a reflection on Beta Omicron’s rich history, and refreshments rounded out the celebrations. Fifty years of sisterhood—still going strong!
Submitted by Pam Dorner-Saxhaug, Illinois State.
Franklin Alumnae Chapter members attended a recruitment workshop hosted by Delta Zeta Chapter at Franklin College to help them prepare for the upcoming fall Formal Recruitment.
Following their formal recruitment, they also hosted a Bid Day Picnic Brunch for Delta Zeta.

Photo on right, from left to right, alumnae members present at the event are Laura Rossi Blackthorn, Butler; Chrysta Monticelli Readle, Colorado State; Megan Ramsey Reynolds, Wake Forest; Sonya Baker-Hallett, Franklin; Elizabeth Baker Sanchez, Franklin; and Maleta Fisher Schmidt, Franklin.
Submitted by Maleta Fisher Schmidt, Franklin.
Delta Lambda Chapter celebrated Founders’ Day at the Butler University chapter house, where Indianapolis alumnae and collegiate members gathered for a live auction for St. Jude, as well as lunch and a celebration of 50- and 75-year members. Sisterhood was on display, friendships were renewed and memories were made!

Gamma Iota Chapter at Purdue University, Founders’ Day celebration!

Both submitted by Pam Dorner-Saxhaug, Illinois State.
Baltimore Alumnae Chapter’s “lunch bunch” group met recently at Tark’s Grill & Bar in Timonium, Maryland, for our Founders’ Day get-together!

Members in back row, left to right: Maureen Barlow Pugh, Boston; Olive Reber Mongelluzzo, Pennsylvania State; Jocelyn Cenna, Carnegie Mellon; Sandy Henning Peth, Maryland; Janet Westover Hogle, Carnegie Mellon; Mary Sleichter Chiapparelli, Pennsylvania State; Mary Anderson Linkous, Pennsylvania State.
Front row, left to right: Jennifer Schwartz Labellarte, Maryland; Stacey Chen Carroll, Maryland; Jennifer Buran Aist, Maryland; Barbara Gundersdorff Weaver, Maryland.
Submitted by Jocelyn Cenna, Carnegie Mellon.
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter hosted our Founders’ Day celebration at Greenbriar Hills Country Club in November 2024. Our speaker, Sanny Jackson Moore, Missouri, talked about the history of our alumnae chapter, presenting a slideshow from our alumnae chapter scrapbooks, spanning 1941 through the present day. The slide show included events sponsored by the alumnae chapter that featured Phyllis Diller, Carol Channing and Rose Kennedy!

Pictured: Sanny Moore, Missouri, and former Alumnae Chapter President Laura Smith, Missouri.
Submitted by Laura Smith, Missouri.
North Carolina
The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter kicked off the new year at Hi-Wire Brewing, welcoming Tri Delta sisters of all ages and from all parts of the country. The chapter bought 28-inch pizzas from Benny Ferrovia’s, and sisters shared fun over good conversation and connection!
Since Charlotte is rapidly growing and encompasses a large geographic area, Delta Dinners are scheduled in different parts of the city. Zip Code Ambassador Marty Viser, Charleston, invited alumnae who live in several neighboring zip codes to the dinner at Village Tavern in South Park. It’s wonderful to meet women of all ages from across the U.S. with the shared connection of Tri Delta!

Members from Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Sigma Tau walked with the Tri Deltas on Oct. 20, 2024 (the walk was rescheduled due to Hurricane Helene). Generous donations were received from members of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Delta Pi and Alpha Chi Omega as well. The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter’s fundraising goal was $1,700, and with our Panhellenic sisters’ help, our team raised $2,667! It’s amazing what Greek women can do when we work together!

Photo from left to right: Peggy Young Rishe, Illinois; Sue Hungate, Pi Beta Phi; Nelly Welsch, Pi Beta Phi; Astrid McLendon, Alpha Sigma Tau; Sarah Bucciero, Clemson; Janet Hayashi Duddy, Wake Forest; Frances Buntain, Alabama.
Taryn Kilbert, West Virginia, pledged at Phi Iota Chapter in the ‘80s but was not able to go through Initiation. Karen Mendel Kaplan, West Virginia, sponsored Taryn’s application to become an alumna initiate, which was approved. On Nov. 3, 2024, Taryn went through Alumnae Initiation at the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter’s “Favorite Things Party.” Karen also invited Taryn’s Big Sister from her collegiate days, Gayle Schwartz, West Virginia, as well as Michele Strigle McVey, West Virginia, to surprise Taryn. Gayle stood as Taryn’s sponsor during the Ritual of Initiation. It was a beautiful day of continuing Taryn’s Circle of Sisterhood!

Picture on right from left to right:
Karen Mendel Kaplan, West Virginia; Lee Smith Foster, West Virginia; Taryn Kilbert, West Virginia; Gayle Schwartz, West Virginia; Michele Strigle McVey, West Virginia; Lisa Van Winkle Fritschel, West Virginia.
We celebrated the 136th birthday of Tri Delta in the lovely home of Angela Hardin Yochem, DePauw. After a catered lunch, we honored Leslie LeBlanc, Auburn, with the Silver Circle ceremony; Janet Denhollem Pierce, Louisiana State, with the Golden Circle ceremony; and Sarah Bucciero, Clemson, with the Ritual of Initiation. Lisa Diskin, Toledo, alumnae chapter coordinator (ACCo) for Region 6, drove down from Spotsylvania, Virginia, to stand as a Sponsor for Sarah. Nina Speed, Kansas, alumnae specialist (AS) for Region 1, read the Founders’ Day Proclamation. Then, we held the Candle Lighting Ceremony and the Chapter Roll Call. It was a lovely afternoon of celebrating our Tri Delta sisterhood!

Submitted by Peggy Rishe, Illinois.
Ft. Worth Alumnae Chapter and Phi Lambda Chapter collegians at Texas Christian University honored 99-year-old Diamond Circle member Ann Kent, Louisiana State, at their Founders’ Day celebration.

Submitted by Whitney Seago Will, Texas Tech.
North Dallas Alumnae Chapter Game Night with Sydney Reed Thornell, Stephen F. Austin; Emily Casso Ford, Southern California; and Rhema Dai, Texas/Dallas.

Submitted by Rhema Dai, Texas/Dallas.