In Partnership with PCI
Launching in Feb. 2024, Tri Delta is excited to partner with PCI (Publishing Concepts, Inc.) to verify the member information in our “My Tri Delta” database and collect memories from their Tri Delta experience.
About the Membership & Memories Project
Founded in 1888, Tri Delta is committed to empowering women to lead bravely, act boldly and use our voices to change the world. While the rich history of Tri Delta is well-documented and the story of our sisterhood and impact is told often, it is the unique, lived experience of our members that brings our sisterhood to life.
Through the Membership & Memories Project, in partnership with PCI, Tri Delta wants to hear how our sisterhood has played a role in your life story. We want to shine a light on our brave, bold and kind sisters and share their Tri Delta stories. The stories collected as part of this project will be preserved in a keepsake book that celebrates Tri Delta’s members and memories and highlights the benefits of lifelong engagement.
Through this process and our partnership with PCI, we also hope to reconnect with sisters we’ve been missing by providing alumnae members the opportunity to update their contact information and personal details to ensure our database is as up-to-date as possible.
We hope alumnae members will participate in this project and that they’ll share a bit of Delta Love with us by sharing their Tri Delta memories!
About PCI

Tri Delta is proud to partner with PCI for this significant undertaking. Their trained staff are excited to spend time with our members as they walk down memory lane. The PCI team will use these members’ stories to create a first-of-its-kind Tri Delta keepsake book. Please note: We have only shared your contact information with PCI in conjunction with this project. We have not sold your contact information or used it for outside marketing purposes, nor will PCI. (Our contract with PCI strictly prohibits that.)
PCI is a family-owned business based in Dallas, Texas, that has worked with educational institutions, fraternities, sororities and military organizations across the nation, helping to connect their members and preserve their rich histories for over 100 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
I received an email/postcard/phone call from a company asking for my personal information and a story about my Tri Delta experience. Tell me more about the project.
Tri Delta has partnered with Publishing Concepts, Inc. (PCI) to verify member information and collect stories of sisterhood from our loyal members. PCI is a family-owned business based in Dallas, Texas, that has worked with educational institutions, fraternities, sororities and military organizations across the nation, helping to connect their members and preserve their rich histories for over 100 years. Through this partnership Tri Delta will learn how our members’ Tri Delta experiences have helped shape their lives. It will also help ensure our “My Tri Delta” database is up-to-date.
What can I expect to be asked?
You can expect to be asked to verify your member information and to share a story or special memory about your experience in Tri Delta. These stories might be about friendships, mentorship, events or life on campus. With your consent, the call will be recorded to ensure the accuracy of the information you share. You may also decline to be recorded.
Does Tri Delta benefit from this at all?
Yes, in a few different ways:
- Updated Member Information – allowing us to effectively communicate and engage with more Tri Delta alumnae
- Legacy – the collection of member stories and memories helps to preserves Tri Delta’s rich history
- Revenue – proceeds from the keepsake book and exclusive apparel offerings will be used to advance Tri Delta’s Purpose in support of our more than 250,000 members worldwide
How do I know my information will only be used by PCI for this project?
Contractually, the names, addresses and information provided to PCI by Tri Delta for this project must be held in strict confidence by PCI and cannot be sold or used for any other purpose outside of this project, except as required by court order or law. An established, family-owned business, PCI is committed to protecting your information.
Do I have to buy something?
No. This project is being done at no cost to you. You will have the option to purchase the first-of-its-kind keepsake book and exclusive Tri Delta apparel, but it is not required. Each purchase will benefit Tri Delta, so we are grateful to those who opt to make a purchase.
Will I be asked to buy something?
Yes. Along with verifying your member information and answering questions about your Tri Delta experience, PCI will offer you the opportunity to purchase a keepsake book and/or exclusive apparel. Packages available for purchase are listed below. NOTE: You are under no obligation to make a purchase of any kind from PCI.
In addition, you’ll receive a gentle reminder about your annual alumnae dues if you have not already paid them.
Product/Package | Package Description | Base Price | S&H |
Value Package | Keepsake Book & Digital Publication | $259.98 | $19.98 |
Keepsake Book | Keepsake Book | $169.98 | $19.98 |
Digital Publication | Digital Publication | $169.98 | $0.00 |
Travel Bag | Travel Bag | $159.98 | $19.98 |
Loyalty w/ Travel Bag (Ladies’) | Keepsake Book, Digital Publication, T-shirt (Ladies’), Sweatshirt (Ladies’), Travel Bag | $479.98 | $39.98 |
Pride Package (Ladies’) | Keepsake Book, Digital Publication, T-shirt (Ladies’), Sweatshirt (Ladies’) | $359.98 | $29.98 |
Apparel (Ladies’) | Ladies’ T-shirt & Ladies’ Sweatshirt | $99.98 | $12.98 |
Will I speak to a Tri Delta staff member during the call?
When you call PCI, you will speak to a trained member of the PCI staff. We are grateful for their partnership and the ability it gives Tri Delta to verify member information and collect stories and memories from our members to add to our rich history.
I would like to verify (or update) my information and share a story. How may I do this?
- If you have received a postcard or an email from Publishing Concepts, Inc./PCI with a telephone number, you may call the number directly to speak with a trained PCI staff member representing Tri Delta. The PCI staff member will verify your member information, make any updates that may be needed, and ask you to share a memory or story from your Tri Delta experience. With your consent, your story will be recorded and the transcript and audio recording will be provided to Tri Delta’s Executive Office at the conclusion of the project. If you have received an email with an embedded link, you may go to the online site to review your member information and submit a story.
- If you are living internationally or are unable to call PCI, please email PCI will send you a personalized link for you to share your story or special memory and photo(s).
How can I participate if I am Deaf/Hard of Hearing?
If you would like to participate and are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, please email PCI will send you a personalized link for you to share your written story and photo.
Can I choose what information prints in the keepsake book?
The only information that will be included in the keepsake book is your name and your chapter, along with your story/special memory and photo. Your contact information will not be included in the book. When you call to verify your member information, the information will only be used to update your member profile in Tri Delta’s database, “My Tri Delta.” You may revoke consent for your story/special memory and/or photo to appear in the keepsake book any time before August 9, 2024, by contacting PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 or
I updated my information but need some more time to think about what memory to share.
You can call back at any time before Aug. 9, 2024 to share your Tri Delta story or special memory.
I shared a story and the representative said I could send a photo. How do I do this?
You will receive an email with a link to upload one photo (black and white or color) and a caption.
If you purchase a keepsake book, but do not have a current email address in our “My Tri Delta” database, you will be sent a special envelope in which to mail us a printed photo. (Note: Your photo will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Can anyone purchase a book?
The Tri Delta keepsake book of members’ memories is available only to Tri Delta alumnae.
I ordered a book/package over the phone and would like to cancel my order. How do I do this?
Contact PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 and they will take care of this for you.
When will I receive my products?
The total duration of the Oral history Project is about 12 months. The products will be distributed in March of 2025.
Have other Greek organizations partnered with PCI?
Yes, in the last three years, PCI has partnered with the following groups:
- Alpha Gamma Delta
- Delta Gamma
- Pi Beta Phi
- Alpha Chi Omega
- Sigma Nu
- Sigma Chi
- Alpha Delta Pi
- Sigma Alpha Epsilon
- Alpha Phi Alpha
- Sigma Pi
- Kappa Sigma
- Acacia Fraternity
- Beta Theta Pi
- Phi Delta Theta
- Kappa Kappa Gamma
- Phi Gamma Delta
- Sigma Phi Epsilon
- Gamma Phi Beta
- Delta Sigma Theta
- Phi Kappa Theta
- Alpha Tau Omega
- Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Phi Sigma Kappa
- Kappa Alpha Order
- Kappa Alpha Psi
- Pi Lambda Phi
- Kappa Delta Rho
- Sigma Gamma Rho
- Pi Kappa Phi
- Zeta Beta Tau
- Sigma Alpha Mu
- Delta Kappa Epsilon
- Theta Xi
- Zeta Psi
- Iota Phi Theta
- Alpha Sigma Phi
- Delta Zeta
- Farmhouse
- Alpha Gamma Rho
- Theta Chi
- Omega Psi Phi
- Zeta Phi Beta
- Pi Kappa Alpha