We are always looking for amazing women who are interested in joining our brave, bold and kind women on a path of leadership, community service and friendship.
If you were unable to join Tri Delta as a collegiate member, there is still a path for those who are interested in our sisterhood. Let us know by completing the Alumna Initiate interest form for yourself or, if you’re a Tri Delta alumna or alumnae chapter, for a candidate you wish to sponsor.
Questions? Please read our FAQs below and for any additional questions, contact Alumnae Initiation Chair, Lisa Remsikova at alumnaeinitiation@trideltaeo.org.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is an alumna initiate?
An Alumna Initiate is a woman who was not a collegiate member but still has a desire for membership in our sisterhood. In many cases, she has a prior connection to Tri Delta, has served as a volunteer or has a friendship with a Tri Delta sister. She may feel inspired by our sisterhood and mission and wants to contribute to our Fraternity. Alumnae Initiates enjoy the same rights and privileges as members initiated at a collegiate chapter.
Who is eligible to be an alumna initiate?
Any woman never initiated into a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) associated group and is not currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at a college/university is eligible for alumnae initiation.
What is the process for expressing interest in becoming an alumna initiate?
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an alumnae initiate of Tri Delta, please follow one these next steps:
1) Reach out to a Tri Delta you know and talk to them about being your sponsor. An Alumna Initiate candidate must have a sponsor to support her application for membership. A sponsor must be a dues paying member of Tri Delta in good standing. Each sponsor must complete the Alumna Initiate Sponsor form.
2) If you do not know a Tri Delta member, simply submit the Alumna Initiate Candidate interest form. The Alumnae Initiation Committee can arrange for you to meet with alumnae members to talk with you about your interest in joining.
Through a mutual selection process, providing the candidate and alumnae opportunities to get to know each other, new alumnae members are selected for membership by a local alumnae chapter or the Alumna Initiate Committee.
Is Tri Delta right for me?
We encourage any Alumna Initiate Candidate to learn more about our Purpose as a fraternal organization. For information regarding our history, structure and Purpose, please visit tridelta.org.
Is there a cost associated with being an alumna initiate?
If you are invited to membership, there is a $175 membership fee which includes your first year of alumnae dues and administration fees associated with membership and initiation. You will also have the opportunity to purchase a 10K badge for $230 or a gold-plated badge for $115. Alumnae chapters may also have local dues you pay for chapter activities. Fees must be paid within 30 days of invoicing to continue the membership interest process.
Is there a cost associated with being a member of Tri Delta?
Alumnae members are asked to pay their alumnae fraternity dues each year. You can either pay those directly to the Fraternity through member at large dues or through alumnae chapter membership.
Dues-Paying Alumnae Members have access to:
- Tri Delta’s networking app CONNECTDDD to form personal and professional connections with your sisters.
- Annual subscription to The Trident online
- Engaging interviews with Tri Delta’s members in the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast
- Tri Delta’s monthly newsletter “Let’s Talk Tri Delta”.
- Tri Delta’s personal and professional development learning platform LEADDDer.org
- Fun and engaging virtual events with Tri Deltas across the globe
If I am invited to membership, what is the process for getting initiated?
Initiation is a secret Ritual where the values and meaning of the organization are revealed to you and you become a member. Initiation may take place in person or virtually, with a local alumnae chapter or with a group of Tri Delta alumnae members. The Alumna Initiate chair will make every effort to arrange your Initiation in a timely and convenient manner.
What happens once I’m initiated?
We highly recommend each Alumna Initiate start by becoming a dues-paying member in a local alumnae chapter. An alumnae chapter experience will provide you with the opportunity to get to know other Tri Delta’s in the area, make friendships, enjoy social events and participate in charitable activities. In addition, many alumnae chapters offer members opportunities to serve on committees or in leadership positions, which is a great way to become more involved.
You will also have the opportunity to get to know sisters around the globe through our networking platform CONNECTDDD and learn together on our personal and professional development learning platform LEADDDer.org.
If an alumnae chapter is not a possibility for you, there are many ways to engage with Tri Delta through communications, events and so much more! Click here to learn more!
What opportunities are there for me in Tri Delta?
Tri Delta offers opportunities to grow and develop into the best version of yourself. From professional and personal development opportunities on LEADDDer.org and in LEADDD events to transformational programs there are numerous opportunities to grow. You can also gain experience as a volunteer with both collegians and alumnae and in many specialized areas such as charitable fundraising, chapter housing and finances. Working as a Fraternity volunteer is a great way to learn more about Tri Delta and at the same time develop relationships with sisters outside of your local area.
The quality of your experience as a Tri Delta depends on how much effort and time you put into your membership. Members who involve themselves generally enjoy a richer and more satisfying membership experience. The Honor Initiate chair is a resource for you to help you get engaged from the start and find your place in our sisterhood.