Measuring Our Progress
We will monitor our progress closely and share regular updates. While we are still defining our metrics in each of these areas, we’ll hold ourselves accountable by measuring:
- Diverse representation across our members and at all levels of the organization
- How members are experiencing inclusion and belonging from the time they join as new members and throughout their lifelong journey in Tri Delta
- Various equity measures as they relate to policy and process across Tri Delta: Are we being equitable and inclusive across the organization? Do our policies and processes encourage and ensure equity and inclusion?
- The efficacy of our educational efforts: Are they driving the desired learning outcomes?
- And, finally, are we moving the needle? Are our members progressing in the DEIAB journey in the ways we’d hoped? Are we and they knowing better, doing better and driving impact in the communities in which we live, work, learn and serve?
Please see below for our progress from March 2020 to date.
Progress to Date
View Our Recent Progress
More Belonging
- To help create more belonging in Tri Delta homes and spaces, Tri Delta House Directors receive training throughout the year. Recently, this training has included:
- A session on creating inclusive environments in Tri Delta’s homes. Including accommodating food allergies/preferences and welcoming members with varying identities.
- A session featuring training on navigating difficult conversations through the lens of DEIAB
- Tri Delta Executive Office staff welcomed an accessibility graduate scholar to work on a project to identify ways to make Tri Delta homes and spaces welcoming to visitors with a broader range of abilities.
- With a focus on our collegiate members, Tri Delta:
- Launched the Collegiate Experience Survey to provide an opportunity to learn about our members, how members feel about their Tri Delta experience and learn how we can take their feedback and make Tri Delta even better.
- Launched a DEIAB Chapter Assessment on My Tri Delta. The tool was developed specifically for Tri Delta by our partners at Culture Shift Team (CST) and can be used to help evaluate chapters in the area of DEIAB and prioritize the next steps for chapter officers and their DEIAB committees.
- Hosted Reflective Dialogue Sessions to hear from our members first-hand about their Tri Delta experiences and unique perspectives.
- Introduced the Chapter Success Model to collegiate chapter officers at Collegiate Leadership Conference (CLC). This model will give us a better understanding of chapter operations, successes and room for growth while also working to encourage chapters to integrate DEIAB into all aspects of the member experience.
- Provided training to the chapter vice president of community relations (VPCR) at CLC with a focus on psychological safety, belonging and understanding the member demographics of their chapter.
- Launched a refreshed BodyImage3D program introduced to all collegiate chapters with content written through the lens of DEIAB.
- For 2023-2024, Tri Delta’s Foundation awarded four Educate, Equip & Empower Scholarships totaling $30,000 to graduate and undergraduate members planning to pursue degrees, professional and/or volunteer opportunities related to social justice, public health, public affairs and/or advocacy related to DEIAB and women’s issues.
- Tri Delta hosted several LEADDD Network Sessions in the 2023-2024 academic year including the following sessions with a focus on DEIAB for our alumnae members:
- Risha Grant shared insights from her newest best-selling book, “Be Better Than Your BS: How Radical Acceptance Empowers Authenticity and Creates a Workplace Culture of Inclusion.” She brought members into her passion for correcting societal “isms” like racism, sexism, classism, and plain old stupidity. She shared her mission to expose the subtleties and values of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion while shining a light on the impacts they create.
- Emory Tri Delta Besty Schechter produced an amazing documentary film on the life of Gloria Gaynor, the iconic voice behind the song, “I Will Survive.” Betsy joined us to tell her story and how Gaynor’s powerful voice inspired her. This special session during Black History Month was open to everyone! As a bonus, Gloria Gaynor even sent us a special shoutout after the event! Check out our podcast with Betsy here.
- We recognized Women’s Health Month with a session from two powerhouse Tri Deltas. Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine, past Fraternity President and physical therapist, focuses on the comprehensive care of individuals grappling with pelvic floor dysfunction. Kimberlee has been recognized for her outstanding contributions, including past honoree of the Entrepreneur of the Year award by Texas Women in Business. Sara Hirsh Bordo, Texas Christian, a 15x award-winning filmmaker, named as an “Architect of Change” by Maria Shriver, Founder/ CEO of Women Rising® and listed as “One of the Most Innovative, Interesting, and Purpose-Driven Women-Led Startups to Watch” by Inc Magazine. Listen to our podcast on this topic here!
- Tri Delta staff leaders and entity board members completed a DEIAB Leadership Self-Assessment to assist in the process of discussing and reviewing competencies needed to advance DEI within Tri Delta , identify knowledge gaps for education opportunities and measure gains year over year .
- VPCR Roundtables were introduced to allow a space for officer education and discussion based on the DEIAB Chapter Assessment results.
- 2024 Access & Belonging Advisory Panel launched to help advance our commitment to DEIAB through education and engagement opportunities. With a specific focus on increasing access and belonging within Tri Delta, members serve as a voice and sounding board on initiatives and resources related to breaking down barriers to access and increasing cultural competence across Tri Delta’s diverse membership.
- To amplify our members’ voices, Tri Delta is committed to spotlighting the diverse members, volunteers, and staff working to further Tri Delta’s Purpose.
- Meet House Director, Nklili Gause
- Meet Rachel Poydras-Obenchain, Tri Delta volunteer
- As we continue our commitment to advocacy, read about Libby Lester’s Capitol Hill experience
More Resources
- Collegiate officer Land Acknowledgment Tool Kit launched in the Resource Library for chapters.
- Tri Delta Staff training included:
- All Staff diversity training was provided by Culture Shift Team.
- Compliance training for staff that includes Brave & Bold dialogues.
- Mental Health First Aid training for house directors and some EO staff.
- Open enrollment conversations include evaluating benefits to serve the diverse needs of staff.
- Talent Acquisition Specialist participating in training to strengthen skills around hiring diverse candidates.
- Throughout the year, on our Resource page and social media channels, we highlight, honor, and celebrate important heritage and history months. Check our Resources page to see if we are honoring anything this month.
- Tri Delta is launching a vendor diversity project to understand the diverse makeup of our vendors.
2023: Progress by Month
January 2023
Ashley Westerberg Salzwedel, Washington State, was featured in our Volunteer Spotlight. Ashley serves as Tri Delta’s collegiate chapter coordinator (CCCo) for Region 9. As a CCCo, Ashley supports the collegiate volunteers throughout the Northwest U.S.
February 2023
Zakiya Young LEADDD Network Session: Zakiya is a singer, actress and playwright, most recently known for her role as Corey Bryant in the HBO Max original series “Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.” Members got the inside scoop on her childhood, what it’s like to be an actress and heard about her newest play, Suburban Black Girl—a commentary about growing up in the “white” suburbs. She shared how Tri Delta still plays one of the biggest “roles” in her life and how she remains unapologetically herself. She got real and raw with us—her Tri Delta sisters.
Black History Month Recognition and Celebration via social media platforms included sharing resources with our members to help them continue to learn and grow in the DEIAB space.
March 2023
On March 8, 2023, we celebrated the remarkable achievements of four extraordinary women during our International Women’s Day Celebration. Among the distinguished honorees, Lacey Horn, Southern Methodist, and Francés Jones, Knox, were recognized for their outstanding contributions. Lacey, an Indigenous leader, changemaker and financial expert, and Francés, a visionary legal expert and trademark champion, both exemplify the true essence of our Woman of Achievement award.
We proudly featured Vique Martinez, Miami, alumnae specialist for Region 4, in our Volunteer Spotlight. Vique shared her profound motivation and unwavering dedication to Tri Delta, shedding light on the meaningful reasons behind her lifelong commitment to volunteering and being an integral part of our sisterhood.
Sarah Ida Shaw Award Selection Changes: While the selection committee itself includes a variety of backgrounds, ages, locations and collegiate chapters, this year they went to lengths to ensure that little implicit bias would factor into their deliberations. The video portion of the phone interview was eliminated, which allowed the committee to focus on what was being said without distraction. In addition, both new and seasoned committee members read each application and an additional three members participated in the interviews that were conducted.
Throughout the entire month, we commemorated Women’s History Month through various initiatives on social media. We encouraged our sisters to actively engage by sharing and tagging us in their personal celebrations. Additionally, we launched a thoughtful and targeted email campaign, inspiring our members to embrace Women’s History Month by delving into the history of women’s rights globally and expressing gratitude through heartfelt thank-you notes to the women who inspire them.
April 2023
Addison Anderson was recognized with the Sarah Idah Shaw Award. Addison is deeply involved in her chapter, Greek life and diversity, equity and inclusion with a focus on honoring marginalized voices. She is committed to creating positive change on campus.
CLC 2023 marked the inaugural Diane Petersen Award for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access and Belonging, presented to two outstanding chapters: Alpha Epsilon at Brenau University and Alpha Mu at the College of William and Mary. Making the moment even more special was Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan, personally awarding this new recognition to these chapters.
Danielle Bayard Jackson: We were thrilled to have Danielle take the stage as a CLC 2023 keynote speaker. As a certified coach and friendship expert, Danielle took the stage to show us her “superpower” helping women experience more joy in their friendships with other women.
A 2022 Woman of Achievement, Allison Dickson, Southwestern, was featured on our podcast. In her episode titled “I don’t need easy, I just need possible,” she shares her inspiring story of achieving greatness despite obstacles in her life. Allison was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy when she was 15 months old, and given only a year to live. In overcoming this grim prediction, she realized the strength and resilience she held inside of her—along with the reality of living in a world of people looking at her in terms of what she could not do instead of what she could do.
May 2023
Educate, Equip & Empower Scholarship Created: Scholarships of $5,000–$15,000 will be awarded annually to Tri Delta members who plan to pursue degrees and professional and/or volunteer opportunities related to social justice, public health, public affairs and/or advocacy related to DEIAB and women’s issues. Take a look at the first recipients of this new scholarship.
Tri Delta’s Got Talent article features Callie Hines, Tennessee. As a member of the LBGTQ+ community, she hopes to inspire others with similar situations, giving them a sense of calm knowing that they are not alone in their struggles.
Leadership Cultivation & Selection Committee (LCSC) Collegiate Members: Two exceptional collegians, Bella Velez-Hill, Adelphi, and Emma LaRoche, Transylvania, are the newest members of Tri Delta’s LCSC. We’re excited to welcome them as the collegiate voices who will help nurture and choose our next leaders for Tri Delta’s governing boards! Learn more about the important work of the LCSC and how to refer a sister for consideration.
June 2023
Melanie Perry Hamer, Butler, was featured in our Volunteer Spotlight. As a collegiate member, Melanie became Butler’s first Black president of a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) organization. She now proudly serves on Tri Delta’s Collegiate Crescent Fund committee.
Pride Month: All month long on social media, we invited our sisters to take time to join us in celebrating and supporting our LGBTQ+ members and friends. We shared stories and provided resources for ways to learn more and engage with businesses and the community.
2022: Year in Review
Acknowledging the past with a focus on the future—Diane Peterson’s Leadership

Recognizing Tri Delta’s Original Allies
In the late 1960’s Tri Delta welcomed our first Black member, Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan. In March of 2020 we shared her journey including the strong bonds of friendship and sisterhood she enjoyed with her Delta Upsilon sisters. At Diane’s urging, in the Fall 2022 issue of The Trident we shared the story of the women who welcomed her into Tri Delta amidst significant challenges, including racism and discrimination. It is a powerful story of courage and allyship. Click to read about Tri Delta’s original allies.
Paying it Forward
Diane has chosen to honor her Delta Upsilon sisters by establishing a scholarship with Tri Delta’s Foundation. The Brave Bold and Kind Scholarship honoring the members of Delta Upsilon from the 1960s is awarded to a member at Ohio Wesleyan each year. The scholarship was launched in 2022 and members can apply here. You can also join Diane in honoring these women with a donation to the scholarship fund.
Encouraging Leadership
We are proud to announce the Diane Petersen Excellence in DEIAB Award, which recognizes a collegiate chapter’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB). The award honors Diane and the impact her membership and service has had—and will continue to have—in Tri Delta. To learn more about Diane and her brave story, click here. The inaugural award will be presented at our upcoming Collegiate Leadership Conference (CLC) in April 2023.
Taking Action While Continuing to listen & Learn
Diversity Audit Recommendations: The Elimination of Fines
Through Tri Delta’s diversity audit, the organization has taken steps to audit policies and practices to ensure that Tri Delta’s membership experience is inclusive, accessible and equitable for all members. Feedback from the audit and from collegiate chapter officers indicated that fines are typically not an effective strategy for increasing attendance and engagement.
Many members work to pay their dues and school expenses. Members are often fined based on attendance at events, activities and programs they have already paid for as part of their dues. Often, the reason they don’t attend is a work conflict. This is counterproductive and frustrating and can lead a member to resign for financial reasons.
Tri Delta took this feedback to heart and has taken initial steps to eliminate fines in our collegiate chapters. We have implemented education about member engagement into key officer training opportunities such as Collegiate Leadership Conference (CLC) and developed a new chapter policy template designed for chapters to use an equity lens when establishing policies and to bring decision-making closer to the membership for events and activities and the chapter calendar. We are hopeful that this change will help set the guardrails and empower collegiate chapters to craft an intentional member experience reflective of Tri Delta’s values.
We’re learning from you …
We continue to put into action what we learned from our collegiate and alumnae members in the Inclusion Climate Surveys we did at the end of 2021 and in early 2022.
- Collegiate Inclusion Climate Survey Executive Summary
- Collegiate Inclusion Climate Survey Results
- Alumnae Inclusion Climate Survey Executive Summary
- Alumnae Inclusion Climate Survey Results
We’re counting on you …
You can be part of Tri Delta’s DEIAB work in many ways, including signing an intentional commitment to leverage our collective influence in service and kindness to others and to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging within Tri Delta and beyond.
Elevating Voices & Prioritizing Learning
Introducing the LEADDD Always Collegiate Advisory Work Group!
We are thrilled to be working with the 2022-2023 LEADDD Always Collegiate Advisory Work Group to advance our diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB) efforts. Congratulations to these chapters and members who will be working directly with Tri Delta’s Senior Director of DEIAB Jade Sampson and members of the Executive Office staff: Alyssa Mitchell, Butler, Jasmin Mitchell, Brenau, Erin Mitchell, Texas/Arlington, Rachel Riley, Furman, Emily Saffle, Southern Mississippi, Reagan Macomber, Virginia Tech, Mallory Montero, Texas A&M/Corpus Christi, Michaela David, San Francisco, Kaitlyn Gentille, James Madison, Ari Collins, Lake Forest, Hina Zahid, Boston, and Laura Lyne Fincher, Louisiana State.

Jade Sampson Joins Tri Delta’s Staff
For the past two years, we have worked closely with Jade Sampson as a consultant to aid Tri Delta in centering DEIAB in the membership experience, as well as in our policies, procedures, strategies and practices. As a member of Chi Omega and through her work with many other organizations including the Junior League of Nashville and the Academy of Country Music, Jade has brought valuable insight, ideas and lived experience to Tri Delta. We are excited to announce that starting this month she will be a permanent part of our team at Executive Office as our Senior Director of DEIAB. Welcome Jade!
Celebrating Zakiya Young—Tri Delta, Actress, Singer, Playwright
Listen to our conversation with stage and screen star Zakiya Young, Pittsburgh, currently on a hot streak in Hollywood and the entertainment world. Zakiya talks about her role in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, and how the show tackles a generational look at major societal issues. She also discusses how she’s seeing a shift with inclusion within entertainment and an increase in the number of stories being told by women and women of color as writers, directors and producers. Zakiya, herself, is a new playwright. In her debut, one-woman show, Suburban Black Girl, Zakiya found her voice through the playwriting process and shares personal stories of her experiences as a Black woman growing up in predominantly white spaces. It’s her hope that through this new work, more people will engage in authentic conversations on diversity and inclusion.

Making Gutsy Moves with Fly Girl, Collegiate Leadership Conference Speaker
CLC 2022 attendees were energized last April by keynote speaker Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour who shared about elevating their leadership by making what she calls “the gutsy move.” She shared that leaders have the ability to stand up, step up and speak up to make real and lasting change. You can listen to her interview on the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast.

Doing Things Differently with Risha Grant, LEADDD San Diego Speaker
At LEADDD San Diego we welcomed speaker Risha Grant who spoke about diversity, inclusion, recognizing bias and the power of relationships. She talked about diversity done differently with us on the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast.
Talking Travel and Life Skills with Avery White, Chapter Development Consultant
Sr. Chapter Development Consultant and Sister of Color Avery White, Creighton, also joined the podcast to talk about her second year traveling for Tri Delta as a CDC. Avery talks about what and who inspired her to apply to serve as a CDC and why it’s helping her discover new skills. Avery talks about how she is able to make connections and see the impact of her work with our chapters.
More 2022 Highlights

Coming Out Day—Tri Delta’s Top Facebook Post of 2022
On October 11th, 2022 we highlighted Rebecca Moriarty, Mississippi State, and her testimonial as part of National Coming Out Day. It was Tri Delta’s top Facebook post of 2022 receiving the most engagement on the social media platform. Rebecca shared, “LGBTQ+ History Month means so much to me as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. It means taking the time to honor all those who have come before us and paved the way for the rights we have today. I married my wife, Kealy, this past year and as we begin our life and family together—I am reminded of all those who were (and still are) unable to live out their truth. I am grateful to be a member, advisor and facilitator in Tri Delta—a brave, bold, and kind organization dedicated to welcoming each member as their whole and true self.”
Brave & Bold Dialogues
The number of members building their cultural competence by completing the Brave & Bold Dialogues courses quadruped in the 2021-2022 academic year! The engaging and interactive e-learning course takes members through real-life scenarios, increasing awareness and understanding and providing a four-step approach to becoming a more inclusive member of society. You can find the course on Log in to My Tri Delta to get started today.
Recruitment Resource
Building on the great work of our chapter at William & Mary, Tri Delta shared a powerful resource to help our members create an inclusive recruitment space for all. Learn more from Tri Delta Mikayla Fulcher as she shares the inspiration behind this resource and the steps her chapter took to embed diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB) into the member experience.
What Can I Do?
Help us get to know you better by updating your My Tri Delta profile with your demographics.
2022: Progress by Month
November 2022
- In a follow-up to a March 2020 story, we published “Delta Upsilon Chapter: Tri Delta’s First Allies” in the Fall 2022 issue of The Trident. It tells the story of allyship and Tri Delta’s values in action as the women of our chapter at Ohio Wesleyan in the 1960s stood bravely in the face of adversity and discrimination and boldly in the spirit of friendship and kindness in their fight to Initiate Tri Delta’s first Black member, Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan. Read their story here.
- Replay of Risha Grant’s keynote from LEADDD San Diego speaker on “Diversity Done Differently” available here:
October 2022
- We are proud to announce the Diane Petersen LEADDD Always Award, which recognizes a collegiate chapter’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB). The award honors our sister, Diane Petersen, and the impact of her membership and service in Tri Delta. To learn more about Diane and her brave story, click here. The award will be presented at our upcoming Collegiate Leadership Conference (CLC) in April 2023.
- Listen to our conversation with our sister, the stage and screen star Zakiya Young, Pittsburgh. She’s on a current hot streak in Hollywood and in the entertainment world. Zakiya talks about her role in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, and how the show tackles a generational look at major societal issues. She discusses how she’s seeing a shift with inclusion within entertainment and more stories are being driven by women and women of color as writers, directors and producers. Zakiya is also a new playwright, having authored her first one-woman show, Suburban Black Girl. She found her voice through the playwriting process and shares personal stories of her experiences as a Black woman growing up in her communities. It’s her hope that through this new work, more people will engage in authentic conversations on diversity and inclusion.
- October 11th is National Coming Out Day and is a part of LGBTQ+ Heritage Month. For this specific day, we were able to highlight a member and share her testimonial. “LGBTQ+ History Month means so much to me as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. It means taking the time to honor all those who have come before us and paved the way for the rights we have today. I married my wife, Kealy, this past year and as we begin our life and family together—I am reminded of all those who were (and still are) unable to live out their truth. I am grateful to be a member, advisor and facilitator in Tri Delta—a brave, bold, and kind organization dedicated to welcoming each member as their whole and true self. ”
—Rebecca Moriarty, Mississippi State
September 2022
- Introducing the LEADDD Always Collegiate Advisory Work Group! We are thrilled to welcome the 2022-2023 LEADDD Always Collegiate Advisory Work Group who will work alongside Tri Delta to advance our diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB) efforts. Congratulations to these chapters and members Alyssa Mitchell, Butler, Jasmin Mitchell, Brenau, Erin Mitchell, Texas/Arlington, Rachel Riley, Furman, Emily Saffle, Southern Mississippi, Reagan Macomber, Virginia Tech, Mallory Montero, Texas A&M/Corpus Christi, Michaela David, San Francisco, Kaitlyn Gentille, James Madison, Ari Collins, Lake Forest, Hina Zahid, Boston, and Laura Lyne Fincher, Louisiana State.
- Sister of Color and Sr. Chapter Development Consultant Avery White, Creighton, joined the podcast to talk about her second year traveling for Tri Delta as a CDC. Avery talks about what and who inspired her to apply to serve as a CDC and why it’s helping her discover new skills. She details what a typical day in the life looks like and what her goals are to support our sisters across North America. Avery talks about how she is able to make connections and see the impact of her work with our chapters. She also offers what makes a great CDC and encourages sisters to serve in this role for Tri Delta. Best of luck and safe travels to Avery and all our CDCs!
July 2022
- LEADDD San Diego speaker Risha Grant joined the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast to expand on the topics of inclusion, diversity and bias from her talk at LEADDD.
- We are proud to build on the great work of our chapter at William & Mary to share a powerful resource to help our members create an inclusive recruitment space for all. Learn more from Tri Delta Mikayla Fulcher as she shares the inspiration behind this resource and the steps her chapter took to embed diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB) into the member experience. Some of the smallest changes can make a big impact and we hope you incorporate this resource into your chapter’s recruitment preparations and beyond.
June 2022
- At LEADDD San Diego we welcomed speaker Risha Grant who spoke about diversity, inclusion, recognizing bias and the power of relationships.
- At Tri Delta’s 61 Biennial Convention several actions were taken as part of our commitment to, LEADDD Always:
- The convention body approved the LEADDD Always Business Resolution renewing Tri Delta’s commitment to DEIAB. Read the resolution here.
- Tri Delta’s DEIAB consultant, Jade Sampson led a workshop for convention attendees on LEADDD Always: The Power of Words, where she shared how they can unlock the power of their words through intentional, inclusive language.
- We shared the story of the women at our Ohio Wesleyan Chapter who welcomed Diane Peterson, Tri Delta’s first Black member, into membership. Diane shared their story and why she chose to create a scholarship in their honor.
May 2022
- In spring 2021, Tri Delta launched Brave & Bold Dialogues to all members. The engaging and interactive e-learning course takes members through real-life scenarios, increasing awareness and understanding, and providing a four-step approach to becoming a more inclusive member of society. Participation in this online course during the 2021-2022 year quadrupled since our launch last spring. We are proud of the impact this program is having on members including an increase in awareness of personal values and feeling more prepared to talk about their personal journey and growth regarding DEIAB with others. Read more about participation in this program in the Brave & Bold Dialogues Executive Summary.
- Tri Delta celebrated Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month and shared additional resources to help educate and support our members.
- As a follow-up to our Alumnae Inclusion Climate Survey conducted in January and February of 2022, Tri Delta continues to learn from the information shared with us by our members:
- A cross-functional team of Tri Delta team members and our partners at Culture Shift Team (CST) completed a work session to take the key findings and recommendations from the Collegiate Inclusion Climate Survey and the DEIAB feedback from the Alumnae Engagement Survey to continue the development of the LEADDD Always education strategy. The LEADDD Always education strategy focuses on developing core DEIAB competencies throughout every part of the Tri Delta member experience and will leverage existing resources in addition to deploying new resources and learning opportunities.
April 2022
- During Collegiate Leadership Conference (CLC), our vice presidents of community relations (VPCR) received training and development to support them in their role as the chair of the DEIAB committee. The track included opportunities for VPCRs to develop shared language around DEIAB and identify best practices in leading their committee. Additionally, VPCRs explored their personal identities and determined steps they can take to foster inclusion in their chapter and community. All VPCRs created an action plan to help guide their work in advancing DEIAB within Tri Delta and beyond.
- CLC also featured Delta Demos, a unique experience designed to showcase best practices, new strategies and sisterhood ideas. Participating chapters hosted tables and connected with members across North America to equip them with the tools and resources to make a difference in their chapter. Several chapters shared their ideas and current DEIAB initiatives including Wyoming who was recognized on Sunday morning and received an Innovation Award for their Identity Wheel workshop. To further inform our work, Tri Delta co-hosted a table with our partners at Culture Shift Team (CST) and engaged with collegiate members around a new DEIAB pilot initiative. Chapters interested in working alongside Tri Delta to advance our DEIAB efforts should email
- CLC also welcomed keynote speaker Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour who shared about elevating their leadership by making what she calls “the gutsy move.” This idea comes from knowing what’s right in your gut, but also having the guts to take the action. She notes that new leaders have the clean canvas to create their own visions into reality. Although there will be obstacles in leadership, obstacles are just opportunities in disguise. Leaders have the ability to stand up, step up and speak up to make real and lasting change. You can listen to her interview on the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast.
- As a follow-up to our Collegiate Inclusion Climate Survey conducted in December 2021, Tri Delta continues to learn from the information shared with us by our members.
February 2022
- LEADDD Now becomes LEADDD Always: In the summer of 2020, Tri Delta’s Convention body called on our leaders and members to LEADDD Now in the wake of racial violence and societal unrest. We stepped into this work with humility and determination to ensure an equitable and inclusive lifetime membership experience for our Black, Indigenous and Members of Color. And while LEADDD Now was reflective of a point in time for Tri Delta, LEADDD Always is a renewed commitment to centering DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, ACCESS AND BELONGING and embedding it into every aspect of the lifetime membership experience in Tri Delta. You can watch the announcement of LEADDD Always as our February LEADDD Keynote event here.
- As an assembly of individual members with shared values, must rely on and engage each and every one of our members to help advance the work of LEADDD Always. We have invited every Tri Delta to make a personal commitment to step into the DEIAB work that Tri Delta is doing.
- The member profile in My Tri Delta was updated to be able to collect additional demographic information about our members so we can know our members better, design a better member experience and communicate with our members more effectively. You can update your member profile on your My Tri Delta page when you login at
January 2022
- To further inform our work, we launched the Inclusion Climate Survey with our alumnae members and more than 4,000 members responded and shared information and experiences.
2021: Progress by Month
November 2021
- To further inform our work, we launched the Inclusion Climate Survey with our collegiate members and more than 2,500 members responded and shared information and experiences.
September 2021
- Tri Delta received the results and finding from the diversity audit conducted by Nashville-based consultancy Culture Shift Team. We learned that Tri Delta has opportunities:
- To improve our policies and processes to advance DEI within our organization
- To learn more about our members’ identities in order to serve them better
- To broaden our focus around DEI to address issues related to access and belonging
August 2021
- With an eye toward member recruitment, retention, diversity, equity and inclusion, Tri Delta’s Executive Board has approved a number of interim amendments to the Fraternity Bylaws to allow for lower dues/fees and expanded payment plan options for our collegiate members in 2021-22 and beyond:
- A 6% reduction in national fees for all initiated members and up to $102.50 for New Members.
- The National Housing Endowment Fee ($7.50 per member, per year) and the Collegiate Chapter Reserve Fee ($5.00 per New Member) have been eliminated.
- A new, lower cost gold-plated badge will be available to New Members as a way to reduce the cost of membership in the first academic term (which is higher than subsequent terms, based on Initiation fees.)
- Installment/payment plans will be expanded to include New Members! In addition, we’ve removed the requirement for all first term fees to be paid prior to Initiation.
July 2021
- As part of our diversity audit, our consultants at Culture Shift Team began hosting reflective dialogues to hear honest perspectives from our members about their membership experiences in Tri Delta. These conversations will help guide our continued work and help inform the outcome and recommendations of our enterprise-wide diversity audit that has been ongoing since March.
- LEADDD Now Conversation: Tri Delta CEO Karen White, Georgia, hosted a conversation with Melanie Velasquez, San Francisco. Melanie found a way to use her voice through Epsilon Rho’s DEI committee. Her work with the committee helps educate her chapter members and community about having uncomfortable conversations, and how that ultimately creates humanity. Melanie discusses how she defines allyship and why self-education is imperative to being an ally to any marginalized community. Epsilon Rho was the first Panhellenic chapter at USF to have a DEI committee and is now partnering with other chapters on campus to promote education within their communities. She reflects that her leadership and efforts in Tri Delta have shown her how to make positive change and use her voice in an effective manner. Listen now.
June 2021
- To enhance the membership experience, Tri Delta established new affinity groups on CONNECTDDD for Tri Deltas looking for a safe space for open, comfortable conversation and community with other sisters. Our affinity groups are formed around shared interests, common goals and similar backgrounds, lived experiences and personal identities. New or existing affinity groups include: Sisters of Color, DDD Allies, DDD LGBTQ+ Members and LEADDDNow: Tri Delta’s DEI Efforts.
- LEADDD Now Conversation: Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with Lauren Whitman, Delaware. After the racial unrest of 2020, Lauren took it upon herself to create DEI programming for Epsilon Upsilon Chapter to open communication among chapter members, even with difficult conversations. A key part of her programming is a self-reflection exercise, used for members to assess their own DEI journey before and after they participate in training. Lauren designed the chapter’s resources and training with a focus on growth mindset, and it’s already having an impact on members. Learn more about the work of our collegiate members like Lauren and Epsilon Upsilon Chapter by listening here or watching here.
May 2021
- LEADDD Now Conversation: Vice President of Marketing and Communications Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with one of our 33 Under 33 Alicia Russell, Furman, Alicia has been singing as long as she could sit still in church. Coming from generations of singers, Alicia found early passions for the stage through musical theater performances. After being encouraged to pursue opera, she quickly discovered what would become her career. Having served as a resident artist at companies around the country, Alicia has also been able to promote arts education to young people and introduce them to the world of opera. She has been able to showcase BIPOC professionals in the arts and participate in telling more diverse experiences through her art. Listen to Alicia’s interview here.
April 2021
- Tri Delta’s Executive Board has unanimously voted to eliminate collegiate chapter legacy policies, effective July 31, 2021. For many of our sisters, this comes as a welcome change, as chapter-level legacy policies have caused a great deal of confusion and have been a barrier to membership for some. And for many of our sisters, we understand that this decision may cause concern and disappointment as these are cherished relationships that we look forward to sharing with our family members. We also share that while Tri Delta legacies will no longer receive preferential treatment during recruitment, we will continue to recognize and celebrate these cherished relationships when family members join our sisterhood. Read more on this decision and listen to leaders share their personal experiences in this video.
- LEADDD Now Conversation: Vice President of Marketing and Communications Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with Ainslee Harrison the collegiate chapter president at Tri Delta’s Theta Zeta Chapter at the University of Texas. Theta Zeta eliminated preferential treatment of legacies during recruitment before Tri Delta made this organizational change. They have created a third-party reference for potential new members during recruitment to reduce barriers. As DEI leaders in the Texas Panhellenic community, Theta Zeta hopes that more accessibility will soon make campus sororities truly reflect the university population. Listen now.
- In preparation for a new volunteer term, Tri Delta has edited the Volunteer Agreement and Position Descriptions to require completion of Tri Delta’s DEI training, Brave & Bold Dialogues, available on
- Tri Delta Executive Office staff expanded their DEI training efforts by participating in Culture Shift Teams Identity and Privilege training and completing the Brave & Bold Dialogues on
March 2021
- Tri Delta’s highest honor – Woman of Achievement — was awarded to Gayle Jennings-O’Byrne, Pennsylvania. Gayle spent years in mergers and acquisitions, as an international lobbyist, in corporate philanthropy and as a venture capitalist. She walked away from what many would call a dream job at JP Morgan to follow a calling to support and invest in women entrepreneurs of color, specifically in the tech space, co-founding the WOCstar Fund. Learn more about Gayle in this video.
- DEI Training for All Tri Delta Members: An important part of the BOLD pillar of our LEADDD Now Action Plan focuses on education, understanding and healing among our sisters. Every Tri Delta sister now has access to Brave & Bold Dialogues on made possible by Tri Delta’s Foundation. Brave and Bold Dialogues is an interactive online course developed by our partner PreventZone. This training walks you through real-life scenarios to increase your awareness and understanding of the complex issues surrounding racism, built on a four-step approach: Be Aware, Be Considerate, Express Understanding and Talk About It. This training will be incorporated into the member experience in all our chapters, and completion of the course will be required of leaders, volunteers and staff at all levels within Tri Delta. Access the course at
- Tri Delta’s Executive Board acknowledged seven of our collegiate chapters who are leading the way and proving to be exceptional examples for us all with their innovative, creative DEI programs. Each has received a $250 grant from Tri Delta’s Foundation to continue enhancing, expanding and scaling their efforts. The chapters and efforts are:
- Epsilon Nu, Chapman – Deltas for DEI
- Epsilon Upsilon, Delaware – DEI Workshop: To See the Change We Need to Be the Change
- Gamma Beta, Villanova – DEI DIYs
- Alpha Mu, William & Mary – Bring You…Yes All of You
- Alpha Epsilon, Brenau – Anti Racism Zoom Meeting
- Epsilon Rho, San Francisco – Diversity and Inclusion Programming
- Theta Xi, Southern California
- Collegiate Leadership Conference 2021 (CLC): Tri Delta’s annual training weekend for collegiate leaders, CLC, was held March 5-7. During the event there were several opportunities to hear from Sisters of Color and for members to learn and grow on their DEI journeys.
- We hosted an inspiring panel of 33 Under 33 sisters that included Chinh Doan, Oklahoma, TV Anchor; Jaelin Palmer, Cal State/Northridge, patient advocate and member of the LGBTQ+ community; and Alexa Young, Florida, past campus Panhellenic President. Learn more about these women on our Distinguished Deltas page.
- Amanda Goodenough led a workshop session on equipping ourselves with the tools to effectively communicate and interact with others on the topics of equity, inclusion and justice where she discussed the concepts of bias and disrupting, interrupting and challenging strategies.
- Dustin Evatt-Young led a workshop session exploring the concept of allyship and how our personal identities and experiences shape our understanding of the term. The session discussed what responsibility and accountability looks like and feels like as an ally.
- Our keynote speakers for CLC also brought diversity in experience and expertise. Friday night’s executive session was kicked off by Erica Dhawan who spoke about leading in a digital age. Saturday morning CLC was kicked off with St. Jude partner and Olympic gold medalist Laurie Hernandez who shared her story of resilience.
February 2021
- In recognition of Black History Month, we celebrate the accomplishments of our Black sisters and role models and look for new opportunities to learn and grow. As part of our efforts this month we have engaged in the following activities:
- Promoted attendance at the National Civil Rights Museum book discussion on Four Hundred Souls featuring Ibram Kendi and other authors
- Updated our resource list for education and growth located at
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: VP Marketing and Communications Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, was joined by Tri Delta’s Foundation Trustee Ashley Baskerville, Cal State/Long Beach. As a mental performance coach with the Armed Forces, she discusses what it means to have hard conversations and the trust involved. By having these conversations and connect is a great way to get goals and understanding accomplished. She talks about blending our sisterhood through different experiences and backgrounds challenge the status quo. This allows us for showing and reflecting true diversity in Tri Delta. Watch the video here or listen to the podcast here.
- In a Facebook Live conversation Dr. Mari Ann Callais, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Sister of Color Sabur Woldu, a Chapter Development Consultant from the Epsilon Theta Chapter at the University of Texas/Dallas, talk about “The Power of Friendship” by sharing the story of how they responded to last year’s racial unrest together.
- 33 Under 33 Podcast Series shines a spotlight on recent alumna Christine Murrain, Oklahoma, who is starting her career in entertainment, seizing opportunities to create a more inclusive space to tell stories like hers. Listen to From OU to Hollywood: Working for diversity on both sides of the camera.
January 2021
- Tri Delta celebrated the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King by partnering with the National Civil Rights Museum as a Corporate Associate. Tri Delta is excited to financially support the museum and to join in its mission to share the culture and lessons from the American Civil Rights Movement and explore how this significant era continues to shape equality and freedom globally. The museum, located at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, TN holds a special place in our Tri Delta hearts as many of our members visit the museum each year when we celebrate our partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, also located in Memphis. The museum offers an amazing, interactive experience with endless opportunities to learn about the history of racism and the fight for equity, equality and justice. Its location at the Lorraine Hotel, where civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, creates a powerful experience for all who visit.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: CEO Karen Hughes White, Georgia, hosted Tri Delta Housing Director Caroline Chin Goldwater, James Madison, who inspired by Tri Delta’s LEADDD Now plan and raised her hand to lend her experience and skills to the highest levels of leadership within our organization. By putting herself forward, she knows it will bring her voice and competencies to affect positive change. With a wealth of professional experience in project management, she is excited to see how our LEADDD Now plan will be broken down to determine priorities and targets for progress. Watch the video here or listen to the podcast here.
2020: Progress by Month
December 2020
- Tri Delta Executive Office staff completed training focused on diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace as employees and managers.
- Krystal Clark, Maryland, chair of the NPC’s new Access and Equity Advisory Committee provided an update to NPC organizations on the work of the committee. The results of several listening sessions were shared by the committee and Krystal shared the continuing work of the committee will include 1) auditing unanimous agreements, policies, best practices and template documents, 2) working toward broadening the pipeline of Panhellenic women interested in board service, and 3) identifying barriers created by norms and practices at the campus level.
November 2020
- Tri Delta launched a newly refreshed website at with an eye toward inclusivity. After reviewing written and graphic content, the website strives to offer a more diverse perspective on our members and our member experience. We know there is always room for growth and improvement and feel this new website is a step toward a more diverse and inclusive invitation to and representation of our sisterhood.
- Tri Delta’s Resource Library – accessible to Tri Delta members – has a newly built out section on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and our LEADDD Now plan and progress. The section also includes shared ideas and best practices from chapters actively engaged in DEI work on their campuses.
October 2020
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Tri Delta’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with Candy Rivera Evans, Adelphi, where she shares how her journey to embrace her identity as an immigrant empowered her. They also dive into Candy’s two new leadership roles: chair of Tri Delta’s Ritual Committee and a board member for the Northeast Greek Leadership Association. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Tri Delta’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with Cristina Dominguez, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, where she shares her experience as a Latinx Tri Delta who is also a member of the LGBTQ community as well as her role on the committee working to select a partner for Tri Delta’s organization-wide diversity audit. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
September 2020
- We are seeking competitive proposals from consultants experienced in DEI to conduct a comprehensive enterprise audit and provide specific recommendations to guide our work in advancing DEI. The request for proposals was distributed on Sept. 1 and we hope to select a partner in November.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Board Director Lenora Oeters, Cincinnati, hosted new Board Director Tycely Williams, Wake Forest. They discuss our LEADDD Now plan, transformational change and creating inclusive and equitable spaces for all Tri Delta members. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Tri Delta’s CEO, Karen White, Georgia, hosted new Board Director Emily Greer, Rhodes. They discuss how diversity helps shape an organization for more success and how Tri Delta is leading the way to make a more inclusive and equitable experience for all members. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
- The Tri Delta Housing Board and Tri Delta’s Foundation Board of Trustees followed the Executive Board’s lead and on Sept. 29 announced the addition of three Sisters of Color to those boards. Caroline Chin Goldwater, James Madison, was elected to the Tri Delta Housing Board and Ashley Baskerville, Cal State/Long Beach, and Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan, are new Trustees on Tri Delta’s Foundation Board.
- As Tri Delta’s collegiate chapters transition to a new officer structure this fall, the position of Vice President, Community Relations now has responsibility for diversity, equity and inclusion and serves as the chair of the DEI Standing Committee.
- Diversity, equity and inclusion education was incorporated into training for Tri Delta’s new volunteer leaders.
August 2020
- On Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, Tri Delta announced its new seven-person Executive Board including two Sisters of Color, Emily Greer, Rhodes, and Tycely Williams, Wake Forest.
- Krystal Clark, Maryland, was named the chair of the NPC’s new Access and Equity Advisory Committee. This 14-member group has been formed to provide recommendations and guidance to the NPC Board of Directors about how to eliminate the structural and systemic barriers blocking women from access to the sorority experience.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Tri Delta’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with Krystal Clark, Maryland, focused on her passions for diversity, equity and inclusion within higher education and her new role as chair of NPC’s Access and Equity Advisory Committee. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
July 2020
- LEADDD Now Business Resolution was adopted by Tri Delta’s 59th Biennial Convention body on Saturday, July 11.
- The Convention body voted to approve the Amendments to the Bylaws of Delta Delta Delta to expand the size of the Executive Board by two Directors effective Aug. 1, 2020.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Past Fraternity President Kimberlee Sullivan, Pepperdine, hosted Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan, Tri Delta’s first Black member. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Dr. Mari Ann Callais, Tri Delta’s Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives, hosted a conversation with Lexi Leggs, Millikin, and Sabur Woldu, Texas/Dallas, both recent graduates and Sisters of Color to discuss their thoughts on Kimberlee and Diane’s conversation. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
- LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Fraternity President Megan James, Millsaps, hosted a conversation with Zakiya Young, Pittsburgh, about her career, her membership journey and her experience as a Black woman in Tri Delta. Listen to the podcast or watch here.
- We created the email for sisters to share input, resources and ideas for how Tri Delta can LEADDD Now.
March 2020
- Prior to the murder of George Floyd and the other tragedies that focused the nation’s attention on racial justice, Tri Delta took a serious look at its history around diversity and inclusion. Read more in the Winter/Spring 2020 issue of The Trident.
Learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging.
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